Interested in both cameras and nature from a young age, native-Midwesterner Rebecca Metschke began making landscape images in earnest after moving from the West Coast to New Hampshire in the mid-1990s.

The Granite State’s geography is richly varied but wonderfully compact. You can be shooting colorful skies along the Atlantic at the break of day and then scouting locations in the mountains within the span of just a few hours: a perfect canvas for an outdoor photographer, and an ideal place to hone her skills. 

Rebecca spent 20 years based in New Hampshire's Seacoast working throughout New England (and beyond), but it was her adoptive state – and the White Mountains in particular – which assumed a special place in her heart. Fittingly, Granite State landscapes are featured in her books The Third Day: The Magnificence of the Natural World, and Autumn in New Hampshire's White Mountains: The Photographer's Guide.

Now living in Eastern Idaho with both the Tetons and Yellowstone in her backyard, and having closed the book on her first career as an executive in the telecom and high tech industries, you’ll find Rebecca actively photographing the Intermountain West and Colorado Plateau in addition to the work she continues to do back East and around the country. 

Though her primary focus has always been nature photography, Rebecca does not limit herself to a single genre. Following the same advice she gives to others, she shoots what she finds interesting. 

Instructing aspiring photographers and leading field excursions in beautiful locations, she enjoys meeting and working with others who are equally enthusiastic about the art of photography.


Copyright Rebecca Metschke
All rights reserved

The photographs on this site are protected by Federal Copyright Law and may not be copied, downloaded, or reproduced in any way without the express written permission of the artist.